This article link: explains how to give your roses the food they need to be healthy, productive plants. But, for those of you who want a quick answer, here's the bare-bones guide to fertilizing:
We are a service organization planting flowers in Mercer PA. Our meetings are free and open to the public.
This article link: explains how to give your roses the food they need to be healthy, productive plants. But, for those of you who want a quick answer, here's the bare-bones guide to fertilizing:
2015 officers
President: Connie Jewell.
Co President:
Nancy-Ollinger Theisi
Karen Maxwell
Nancy Ollinger Theiss
Treasurer: Jack Thiess
Newsletter:Nancy Ollinger
Program: Pat, Diana, Arlene, Judy, Margo and Connie.
Volunteer to be a meeting Hostess:
What does a Hostess or Hospitality Volunteer do?
Secure the meeting place. (Call to reserve the meeting room)
Do whatever is needed to get ready for the meeting. Arrive early and greet members and guests, pass out name tags or arrange tables and chairs.
Welcome the speaker ask if they need help.
Be involved in planning the meeting, program or tour.
Help with refreshments if we have them.
Help organize a clean up.