Garden Club News May June 2010

Monday May 10, Garden Club Plant Exchange Our May meeting will be held at Brandy Springs Community Building. Alan and Alice Haskel will be our hosts.

Arrive 6:00, an hour earlier than usual. Bring your gloves and tools for working to clean up our beds at Brandy Springs. Everyone working together enables us to complete this task quickly. If you have an injury and cannot work, you can help prepare for the meeting to follow. Once we finish the clean up we will retire to the building to rest, enjoy refreshments and participate in informative program about the plants we brought for our plant exchange.

We will have a short business meeting to go over the details for Up Town Planting and Welcome Garden work schedule. Then proceed to one of our clubs most popular events. Our plant exchange is amazing every year. Pass along plants are the best, they are usually healthier and bigger than the ones you can buy. In this time of economic stress many of us are having to cut our gardening budget. Free plants are very welcome. Just let our members know what you are looking for and you may find someone willing to share. Please label your plants and come prepared to tell us about the plants you have brought to share.

Fundraising raffle: Please bring stuff. This will probable be our last raffle till fall when we return to meeting at the church.

Tuesday May 18 and June 22 Gardeners Midday Meet Up 11:00 at the Mercer Library for research gardening, sharing information, walk around the square and check on our plants perhaps pull a weed or two or deadhead some flowers.

Up Town Planting May 18, 19, & 20 We will get our plants and plant our beds around the square. Wednesday will be a group mulch night. You may get together and prepare the ground and purchase and put in your plants any day during this week. We will be letting the plant choices up to the individuals that have signed up to care for certain areas. If you have not sign up that does not mean that you are left out of this planting event. All members and guests are encouraged to come and help.

June 14 7:00 Garden Club Meeting & Garden Tour The Mercer Garden Club will meet at the church at 6:30 to car pool to Joe Nemmer’s Lily Garden Bring a lawn chair. Mary Ellen Russell will be our hostess and provide refreshments.

Very Short Meeting agenda:

Reading minutes and treasures report.

Discuss maintaining up town gardens and pots.

Set a date to deadhead and weed gardens.

Program: Joe will tell us about the North American Society July 7-11. 63rd Annual NALS International Lily Show and Conference - Last year Joe presented our club with a wonderful program about Lilies. Many of us came home with Lily bulbs and everyone wanted to visit Joe’s Garden. Mark your calendar you definitely do not want to miss this chance to see this beautiful garden.

Joe will also be asking our members to volunteer to help with the Lily conference by acting as bus proctors and tour guides and security at the show. The conference will be bringing folks to visit 4 local gardens. DJ’s, Emmie’s, Altman’s, and Joe’s. If you would like to learn more about the tours and conference click the link above to go to the web pages or search

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