Summer Picnic Aug.9

Pictures 2008 Garden Club Picnic at DJs.

The August Mercer Garden Club meeting will be a picnic at Dennis James Greenhouse and Gardens on Monday August 9. (our regular meeting night) The Picnic will begin at 6:30. Meat, beverage and tableware will be provided.

Nancy Ollinger Thiess and Pat Whiting will be hosting the summer picnic. Bring a food item to share. Since we want to have a variety of food choices, please sign up for the category of food you will be bringing (you need not be specific). Sign up call Pat 724-475-4301 or Nancy 724-662-3986 and tell us whether you will be bringing: potatoes, salad, vegetable, or dessert by Friday, August 6 .

Come and enjoy an evening of delicious food, delightful fellowship and view Dennis’ beautiful garden.

Short Meeting Agenda = Old Business:

Reading of the minutes and treasures report

Brandy Springs Group work day set day in August.

Fall bulb sale?

New Business: Nomination Committee 2011 officers