Mantis visits my new porch

Spring of 2012 I bought mantis egg case of 200 eggs and let them hatch in my garden, this summer I am still seeing these wonderful creatures working in my garden.   Have you sighted them in your Mercer Garden?  I took this photo at 8 pm on Aug. 30, 2013

Logan Drive near the High School.  

July and August Meetings

Our July 8 meeting will be garden tours of out members Betty Graham and Sheila Craig. We will drive to Betty's on 380 Vogan Drive and walk from there to Sheila's Garden. There will be refreshments at both gardens. It is always a pleasure when our members open up their own gardens for us to enjoy.

August 12, 2013 Garden Club annual Summer Picnic
We will return to DJ's Garden. 
Members and their guests are invited to join us for good food, great fun and the delightful gardens that Dennis always has for us to view.  We will be eating at 6:00 p.m.
Check your newsletter details and please do not forget to call Pat and Gary Whiting or Jack and Nancy Theis to RSVP and let them know what category of food you plan to bring to share.

Picking Strawberries and lettuce, roses are blooming, beautiful weather.

June 10, 2013. Mercer Garden Club Meeting

May 13, 2013 Mercer Garden Club Meeting

Greenhouse Tour of Andrew and Lizzy Mast's farm, beautiful plants and baskets.
Located on 155 McFarland Lane , Mercer, PA 16137 they are just a few miles east of Mercer off of Rt 318. Amish owned but very modern and creative arrangements are on display.

They also have Maple Syrup and farm produce available during the season. They are closed on Sunday but are open Monday thru Saturday 10am - 7:30 pm.

We will meet to car pool at 6:00 or drive on your own and arrive around 6:30. We will have a short meeting hosted by Mary Ellen. Below is the info from our last newsletter.

New Greenhouse. Anthony Farms

New greenhouse off of rt 58 to Fullingmill Road to Seidle road only 3.4 miles from Mercer.

Beautiful Flower Baskets and Flats of flowers. Open Mon thru Sat. 9 - 5:00.

You have to see this little Greenhouse.

April 8 2013, Garden Club Meeting

Spring is finally here the Crocus are blooming.
Join us for a humorous program on gardening by Gary Church on
Monday, April 8 at the United Methodist Church on Butler Street in Mercer.

The meeting begins at 7:00

You may donate a garden related item for our Raffle Table.