March and April Meetings of Mercer Garden Club

Marchand April meetings to be held at 7PM, at the Mercer United Methodist Church.

 March 10th:   
Gary Church will be returning  to speak for the evening  subject will be a surprise  I left it up to him : will be speaker’s choice  topic.

April 14th: 
Kathy Taylor a Master Gardener from Lawrence County  will join us to speak on planting an Easy Garden Bed.

These are pictures of the tulips blooming around the courthouse that were planted by our members.
Members of the Mercer Garden Club planted hundreds of tulips again last fall and we are anticipation a spectacular spring bloom this year.  Thank you Pat and Gary Whiting and others for this planting.

Flower Arranging Program

Monday February 10, 7 p.m. Mercer United Methodist Church. We will resume our regular meetings with a program by Debbie Thompson of Nelson's Flowers;   arranging flowers with a Valentine's Day Theme.

We wait for spring after this long cold winter. This is a picture of the tulips Gary and Pat planted in the fall of 2012. Members of our garden club planted hundreds of tulips in the fall of 2013 so spring 2014 shouls be spectacular.